Are Corsets Bad For You? Debunking Historical Myths

Every time a period drama comes out, the A-list actresses that perform on the set often tell stories about the trauma of the corset. They even suggest that their corsets were so tight that they couldn’t breathe. Films like Gone With the Wind depict corsets being laced so tight that the woman wearing it can’t breathe! However, millions of historical women liked to wear their corsets. Working class women worked in factories wearing them. Some men even wore corsets! Here are all the myths about corsets debunked. 

Corsets Make You Faint

The only way a corset could make you faint if you lace it extremely tightly, or you’re wearing the wrong size. Women in history rarely laced their corsets so tight- corsets were there to support the body. They were crucial for back and bust support in a time before bras. If your bra is too tight, you may feel discomfort in the chest – just like if your corset is too small. In the 19th Century, there was a small trend for lacing your corset very tightly, but this was not followed by a vast majority of women. Some women still wear corsets today, and they certainly don’t faint. 

Women Had Ribs Removed To Fit Into Corsets

This could not be further from the truth. Would you go under risky surgery in a time before general anaesthetic and modern hygiene practices just so fit into a corset? Women in history didn’t either. Women wore corsets to support their bust and back, not to make their waists as small as possible. Some modern women, such as models, have removed ribs in order to fit into a tiny corset. However, no women in history went under any such surgery. 

Men Forced Women To Wear Corsets

In fact, men hated women wearing corsets. Many male doctors at the time wrote dissertations on corsets thinking they made women’s organs move around! They even argued that corsets caused women to develop tuberculosis. However, many women continued to wear corsets despite the men’s objection. Women in history often had to do a lot of hard work, including domestic labour, factory work, and millwork. They felt that the corsets gave their body needed support and helped to correct their posture when doing hard work. The men that didn’t hate corsets often wore them themselves! They felt it gave them the ‘ideal shape.’ Men did not force women into corsets, far from it!

Corsets Restrict Your Movement

If corsets restricted women’s movement, how did women work for the 300-400 years that they were in style? Women worked in factories, mills and the home while wearing corsets. During the Victorian era, multiple women climbed mountains all while wearing a corset! Women were able to continue in their daily lives while still wearing a corset. In fact, many of them fought to keep wearing their corset because they felt it made their lives easier! They provided necessary support (much like bras do) so women could continue with their everyday routines. 

Corsets are back in fashion – however you don’t need to lace yours very tight. Wear it like the men and women of the past did! Let your corset support you.

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