How To Achieve The Vintage Americana Aesthetic

Vintage Americana has been one of the most popular aesthetics of the early 2020s. 

What is Vintage Americana style?

It is an aesthetic which is inspired by the feminine styles of the 1950s and 1960s throughout the United States, and first became popular during the 2010s. It is considered to be a subgenre of ‘coquette’ style, due to its highly feminine and traditional associations. Vintage Americana remains popular today because of style icons such as Lana Del Rey and Marina and The Diamonds, and many people want to transform their wardrobe to emulate this aesthetic. 

Here are 4 ways to achieve the vintage americana aesthetic: 

Embrace Primary Colours

Vintage Americana fashion often uses a lot of classic cuts such as swing skirts, blouses, and jeans – often in primary colours such as blue and red. Blue and red are cornerstones of the Vintage Americana aesthetic, reflecting the US patriotism of the 1950s. Red/blue and white gingham, cherry and heart print, and white lace are all extremely popular within Vintage Americana. If you want to look like Lana Del Rey, you should definitely shop in primary colours and stick to white, blue and red. For a quick way to add some red to your outfit, apply red lipstick – it’s a staple of the Vintage Americana aesthetic!

Choose Traditional Fabrics

A fundamental part of Vintage Americana is the romanticisation of the 1950s, for its simplicity and innocence. This was a time before fast fashion, and bright and cheap fabrics. If you want to introduce more of the Vintage Americana aesthetic into your wardrobe, you should definitely shop traditional fabrics such as cotton, gingham, denim and lace. This way, you will look straight out of the 1950s and like you’ve stepped through history – fully embracing the Vintage Americana lifestyle. Floral print fabrics are also great if you want to achieve a more coquette 1950s look. 

Always Shop Vintage 

Vintage Americana should always be what it says ‘on the tin’ – vintage. Shopping for clothes and items that were actually made during the 1950s and 1960s is one of the best ways to find true Vintage Americana pieces. Outside of fashion, vintage diners, cars and architecture are all part of the Vintage Americana aesthetic. Thinking about buying items that communicate the entire aesthetic, such as rollerskates (to fit in with the diner) is a great way to get the everyday Vintage Americana aesthetic. If you want to embody this style – always shop vintage

Enjoy Everyday Life

One of the main reasons that the vintage americana aesthetic was so popular was due to its associations with hedonism. The Vintage Americana aesthetic romanticises a time of emerging capitalist growth and the dominance of branding in a time of post-war boom – Coca Cola is one of the defining icons of the aesthetic. If you truly want to embody the Vintage Americana aesthetic in your life, throw yourself into life and enjoy every moment!

The Vintage Americana aesthetic is one of the most popular vintage fashion movements – start dressing more retro with this classic, 50’s style for a stunning look!

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